PIF 2: 6th December 2018

What did you do?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRw8pbtN1WI- Heaven can wait.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQYPP9J1uqQ- spin the wheel
We watched the two PIFs above and decided to do 'Heaven can wait' because we wanted a challenge. With this new group that James had put us in, Jake was the team leader, Ana played violin and helped with the chords with Jake since me and Brant didn't know the chords. I played the angelic vocal keys on the keyboard and Brant played normal keys. We did need James' help with the chords because Ana didn't know the guitar chords for the keys and Jake didn't what the guitar chords for the keys. Anyway James gave Brant some chords to play and then gave me some easy chords to play. James gave us the idea of fading for Brant to play which meant he played in a 7 time signature while everyone else played in a 6 time signature, so it made the piece more challenging.

What skills did you experiment with?
Well in this piece we experimented with some difficult skills. One difficult skill was playing in different time signatures this was hard because Brant couldn't really listen to everyone else while playing due to being in a 7 time signature. Another skill was Brant tried the idea of fading which was hard to do. A personal skill that i experimented with was playing around with chords/effects  and playing a keyboard.

How did the session go?/Any improvements needed?/Happy with your music?
The session was great because we a great leader who got everyone to play a part in the piece and got everyone's opinions on the piece. There was no improvements that were needed with this session or the piece.  The piece was really good and complicated.

I carried on searching about P.I.Fs but I went into depths about two P.I.Fs which were Hedgehog Road Safety Campaign and Think! Child Road Safety: Tales of the road campaign. I also looked up how to make the message flow with the soundtrack in the background. 

The chords I played were E A D E.

Key word
Fading-A recorded song may be gradually reduced to silence at it's end (fade-out) or may gradually increase from silence at the beginning (fade-in). Fading-out can serve as a recording solution for pieces of music that contain no obvious ending.


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