PIF 3: 13th December 2018

What did you do?
For this session I wasn't there due to some personal issues but Hannah and La 'Deana had a workshop on logic 10 pro. La 'Deana, Blade helped Hannah rehearse her song for the performance which is going to happen on February 4th 2019. With the workshop they used buses in logic 10 pro.

what skills were you experimenting with?
They experimented with Buses on logic 10 pro, so they confined several recordings of each instrument into one controlled fader.

How was the session?/Any improvements needed?/ Happy with your track?
So since I wasn't there I don't know how the session went. Some personal improvements that are needed are I need to try to go in and if not then at least ask James (tutor) what they are doing so I can do something at home for college when I have time.

Since I wasn't in I searched about buses on logic 10 pro and what they are and how to use them in logic 10 pro so I wasn't missing out on anything. 

Key words:
Buses- A bus is like a virtual wire that's used to send audio signal from one channel strip (the source)
to another (the destination). A bus channel is used to control the level and, if desired, add insert effects on the bus itself.they need  to be created individually like channel strips. 
Logic 10 Pro- is a digital audio workstation (DAW) and MIDI sequencer software application for the macOS platform. It was originally created in the early 1990s as Notator Logic, or Logic, by German software developer C-Lab, later Emagic. It became an Apple product, eventually known as Logic Pro, after Apple bought Emagic in 2002. It is the 2nd most popular DAW according to a survey conducted in 2015.


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