PIF 1: 29th November 2018

What did you do?
We looked at two different PIFs and chose one to make music for. Kash was the leader of the team and he made sure everyone was involved. Kash came up with easy chords for me to play on the keyboard. Dakota helped Brant with the chords for the keyboard he played, than Dakota got the chords for the bass. La'Deana played the drums on logic. For my chords Kash put the keyboard on an organ sound to make the music more upbeat which went with the PIF.

What skills did you experiment with?
I experimented with different chords and effects on a keyboard to get the right sound because I don't know how to play the piano/keyboard, so this session was the first time I played.

How session went?/Any improvement needed?/Happy with your music?
The session went quite well since the team had a great leader. But there was one improvement which was the group didn't rehearse with the PIF playing in the background so everyone didn't know when to play and when to finish. i was happy with the session because everyone was involved and productive so we were able to get the track finished.

Any thoughts and feelings?
I think I should have practiced more on my own playing the chords over and over again to make I would have messed up when showing the other on the course. However considering I didn't know how to play keys and it was my first time I did well with my timing.  

I started my research on P.I.Fs. 

    The coloured notes were the chords I played for this PIF.


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